This page was changed on October 22, 2003 because I found that Internet Explorer now tries to render html tags that appear in text documents (files whose names end in ".txt"). The Opera broswer I normally use renders text files properly, as text! Internet Explorer is trying to be too smart.

It now seems that the only portable way to render a piece of computer code, such as a C program or HTML example, is to embed it within a "pre" tag and replace all "<" characters with "&lt", ">" characters with "&gt", and "&" characters with "&amp". This really stinks because it requires modification of the code being displayed. Thanks, Microsoft!

Here is the C program which used to be in a text file:

#include <stdio.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int i, j;
  printf ("<html>\n");
  printf ("<head>\n");
  printf ("<!-- $Id$ -->\n");
  printf ("<title>Hexadecimal Multiplication Table</title>\n");
  printf ("</head>\n");
  printf ("<body>\n");
  printf ("<h1>Hexadecimal Multiplication Table</h1>\n");
  printf ("<HR>\n");
  printf ("<h3>\n");
  printf ("<table border=3 cellpadding = 3>\n");
  printf ("<tr>\n");
  printf ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER><STRONG>*</STRONG></TD>\n");
  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    printf ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER><STRONG>%X</STRONG></TD>\n", i);
  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    printf ("<tr>\n");
    printf ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER><STRONG>%2X</STRONG></TD>\n", i);
    for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) printf ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>%2X</TD>\n", i * j);
    printf ("</tr>\n");
  printf ("</table>\n");
  printf ("<HR>\n");
  printf ("I made a hexadecimal multiplication table when I was bored one\n"); 
  printf ("day back in the\n");
  printf ("summer of 1985.  I decided ten years later, that it would be a\n");
  printf ("cute little exercise to\n");
  printf ("practice my table building in HTML.  I wrote a little\n");
  printf ("<A HREF = \"hexmult.c\">C program</A>\n");
  printf ("to spit out the HTML for this document.  You didn't think I\n");
  printf ("actually typed the whole table in, did you?\n");
  printf ("<HR>\n");
  printf ("<STRONG>1985, 1995 - Evans A Criswell \n");
  printf ("\n");
  return (0);

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